Because you’re a valued AAA Member, we’re here for you working to keep you on the go – not only on the road, but in your career, too.
That’s why we’ve partnered with Intoo to provide free, effective tools and programs to help members like you, find your next job.
Below are links to webinars, articles and more from employment experts that will help you get started on your successful job search today.
Take advantage of expert help and be prepared for interview day.
Click on a webinar to begin playing its contents. Check back often to view new webinars added to the series.
Q. Should I bother applying for a new job with everything that’s going on?
A. While the coronavirus pandemic may slow down your job search, it’s important to continue and to be more flexible about what your new role will look like. Now’s also a great time for:
Q. I was offered a job in the last few weeks—should I follow up with the recruiter or hiring manager if the process seems to be stalled in some way?
A. You should certainly reach out directly to the hiring manager or to the recruiter who extended the offer and ask for details on the next steps. It’s important to stay positive, have patience, and continue to show your interest in the company and in the position you were offered.
While some companies may have implemented a hiring freeze, by respectfully staying in touch and showing understanding, you will be at the top of the list when the company begins hiring again. They’ll know, “This is the person that we want to hire. They showed exceptional perseverance through the situation and we definitely want them to be a part of our company.”
Q. In addition to Your Next Step, can you recommend any free online resources that I should take advantage of?
A. If job seekers are interested in pursuing additional education during this time, there are several free resources currently available. One of the best options is the local library. While the library doors are closed, you can still access all of their digital resources, including hundreds of LinkedIn learning classes. You just need a library card or the library number in order to access those resources. Additionally, G Suite learning offers you free tutorials on all of Google’s products, from calendar management to Google Hangouts, which many companies have begun to use. iTunes U, Microsoft 365 fundamentals, EdX, and others also offer free educational resources that may be useful depending on your field.
Q. How can I stand out in today’s job market?
A. It’s really important to network right now. With resumes flooding online application systems, it’s critical that job seekers leverage relationships to stand out in the process. LinkedIn is a great resource to research and to reach out to target contacts at companies of interest to get your resume in front of decision makers.
Also be sure to think about ways you can add value to your network. If candidates have read an article that they can share within their network, if they have an area of expertise or insight that they can share, look for ways to leverage these in order to contribute to your contacts. Successful networkers can also add value by posting and sharing information on LinkedIn, facilitating introductions between individuals within their network, and by being actively engaged in their communities with volunteer work.
Information and assistance to help the unemployed get back on track and plan a future direction. Career assessments may reveal exciting new opportunities.
Interesting exercises and workshops help you create a cover letter, elevator pitch or a personal reference sheet to catch employers' attention.
Find contacts within companies, associations and recruiters. Identify connections at target employers in Facebook or LinkedIn.
Sophisticated job-matching technology with access to millions of open jobs. Targeted job matches can be sent directly to your email or mobile phone.
A fast, easy and effective tool to help you create your most impactful resume.
Overcome nervousness with virtual video practice interviews and recorded responses. Get tips on thank-you letters, negotiating tactics and more.