Roadside Assistance in Any Car, Anytime, Anywhere

From changing flat tires roadside to jumping batteries in your driveway to providing a tow truck when you need it, AAA Roadside Assistance can help get you on your way. AAA is the nation’s most comprehensive service provider. A simple phone call or online request is all it takes to bring help to your disabled vehicle. As a member, you’re covered in any car — whether you are the driver or passenger.**


Services Provided

- Battery Boost
- Emergency Repair Check Acceptance
- Extrication & Winching
- Fuel Delivery Service
- Minor Mechanical First Aid
- One-Day Free Car Rental
- Tire Service
- Towing
- Vehicle Lock-Out Services

Additional Information


For detailed descriptions visit

Reimbursement Requests:

For faster service, please use the link below to submit your reimbursement request and receipt online. There is no need to mail your request if you submit your request online.

Roadside Assistance Reimbursement Request (Online Form)

Additional Information

AAA Road Service Reimbursement Form (PDF)
AAA Battery Limited Warranty Reimbursement Form (PDF)
Premier One Day Car Rental Form (PDF)
Premier Home Lockout Form (PDF)

Need Assistance Now?




**Roadside Assistance is provided by independent facilities contracted by AAA. Visit for full details on eligible vehicles and the limitations and restrictions of service. Membership benefits vary with membership levels and are subject to change without notice. Coverage in limousines is excluded. Offers, terms, conditions and policies are subject to change without notice.