With help from AAA — you may be on the road to the best job or career you’ve ever had! We’ve partnered with Intoo to provide free, effective tools and programs to help members like you, find your next job. Intoo is a leader in career placement and career coaching that aims to provide one-on-one support for candidates so they can find and land their dream job.
Transition Help: Information and assistance to help the unemployed get back on track and plan a future direction. Career assessments may reveal exciting new opportunities.
Huge Job Base: Sophisticated job-matching technology with access to millions of open jobs. Targeted job matches can be sent directly to your email or mobile phone.
Resume Builder: A fast, easy and effective tool to help you create your most impactful resume.
Perfect Pitch: Interesting exercises and workshops help you create a cover letter, elevator pitch or a personal reference sheet to catch employers' attention.
Networking: Find contacts within companies, associations and recruiters. Identify connections at target employers in Facebook or LinkedIn.
Interview & Follow-Up: Overcome nervousness with virtual video practice interviews and recorded responses. Get tips on thank-you letters, negotiating tactics and more.